Image Processing, Sound Analysis & Machine Learning (Day 4)

An introduction to image processing, sound analysis and machine learning (Group)

An introduction to common methods and functions for image processing, sound analysis and machine learning Today, we’ll learn how to measure the properties of images, basic image and colour manipulation, and how to filter, segment and detect different features of images. We’ll also briefly cover playing and analysing sound and music. Following this, we’ll learn how to automatically classify different kinds of data into categories and make predictions from learned examples.

Image processing, sound analysis and machine learning applications (Vitaliy Kaurov)

Demonstrations and step-by-step explanations explanations of image processing, sound analysis and machine learning applications drawn from humanities research data and related examples.

Lab: Practice exercises and consolidation (Group)

An opportunity to ask questions, and to review and practice what was learned earlier in the day.

Course Material

Day4 (.zip archive)